The Sigiya Sonke dance group, based in Marlboro, South Africa has been bringing disadvantaged young people off the streets and away from dangerous activities for the last 21 years. Kidlinks raises funds to support the more than 35 dancers, ranging in age from 8-20, so they can rehearse six times a week, participate in dance competitions, and gain valuable life skills and community.

A 1/3 acre revitalized school garden at the Manzimdaka school in rural Eastern Cape, South Africa was established in 2013 by Kidlinks and the LAND Project. The garden promotes diet diversity and helps to address widespread undernutrition at the school and in the surrounding area.

Kidlinks supports Play Africa, which is working to bring children and families in South Africa together through inspiring play, creating engaged citizens and healthy communities. Currently, Play Africa runs a children's museum that celebrates imagination and encourages experimentation and innovation through stimulating, hands-on play areas focused on STEM, the arts, and self-expression. Click here to read more about Play Africa,

To address rampant unemployment, poverty, food insecurity, and climate change in the Eastern Cape, Kidlinks supports the new KSFI Project. KSFI will provide exciting opportunities for new farmers via applied training and a "learn by doing" approach at a 23 hectare demonstration farm in South Africa. Students will also have access to online educational materials.

Kidlinks supports a school library in Kei Mouth, South Africa. Our goal is to work jointly with the teachers at the Cwili School to ascertain their library needs, thereafter providing necessary materials, props, and expertise to operate a functioning library facility.

Given the cramped and over-crowded conditions in Alex, South Africa there is a huge lack of facilities to provide extramural activities for children. More youth centres with safe recreational spaces are desperately needed. Kidlinks is partnering with the Gumboots foundation to raise funds for a new dance, music, and performing arts center. As of 2020, the center is partially built!

Zaaimanshoek is a small rural school in the Eastern Cape, South Africa about 2.5 hours drive from the nearest town. The school has 360 children under the age of 13. Kids are mainly from Khoisan heritage living in poverty. Parents work on white-owned farms and for Living Lands an environmental restoration organization. Kidlinks has established and is maintaining a state-of-the-art playground at the school.
Briarpatch is a Homeless Youth Program that has reached more than 10,000 teens. The program serves approximately 250 youth and families each year. Kidlinks is actively running a Briarpatch food garden project that teaches vulnerable youth in Dane Country, Wisconsin, the skills to grow food. Kidlinks has also teamed up with The Grow Academy out of Oregon, Wisconsin. See our Winter 2020 Project Report for more details.
Ratang Bana (meaning love the children) supports more than 460 vulnerable children, orphans, and children affected by HIV and AIDS in the Alexandra township (South Africa) by providing fresh fruits and vegetables, care, and support.